Saturday, October 03, 2009

Let's not wait twenty years for you guys to figure out you're wrong... OK?

Dear Conservatives,

Your current dialogue reminds me of the conversation that took place in America during Vietnam. That time it was the Liberals who got it wrong... this time it's you. I am incredulous that you can say in almost the same breath - I love my country and YAY! we failed to win the Olympics! Stop being assholes.

Love Deb

Monday, May 28, 2007

A thought for Memorial Day

...May God bless America and protect our troops this day and everyday.

and may rabid religious zealots of any kind grow tired of hating and killing and start acting like decent human beings and if not: may they all instantly be transported to the fiery depths of Hell!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

The Pope wuz only telling the truth...

People, when did we start apologizing for telling the f*cking truth?

what? I'm sorry, what was that? A Long Time AGO??? Really?

you CAN"T be serious!
We are all ABOUT truth here in America my friend!



well ok then.

umm listen, I was just wondering...

well see - back in the seventies - I bought this property in Florida and it's real nice you know?
I could let it go for cheap because of my problems with the IRS, you know?

e-mail me if you're interested.

Ms. Aerie

Friday, September 01, 2006

Some thoughts I had while reading Ann Coulters Blog...

Funny, I thought she’d be smarter…

How come the list of reporters allowed to interview her again is so very short?

Hmmm, she seems to be lacking an ability to sway opposing points of view to her argument...

Note to self: Don’t send daughter to University of Michigan Law School........... does not appear to be top notch.

I can only spend a few more minutes on this site because I’m embarrassed for her. She seems to lose confidence in herself practically immediately when asked almost any question and instead of presenting her point with a brilliant argument - she resorts nearly exclusively to name calling, a technique most frequently employed by grade school children on the playground.
I’ve noticed this is almost a cultural phenomenon with her contemporaries. The same method is practiced by such mental giants as Bill O’Reilly and Rush Limbaugh.

Good Luck with the therapy Ann!

Thursday, August 24, 2006


didn’t happen and now I’ve got to go to work next week...

He**! Where is the apocalypse when you need it? Now I gotta figure out how to pay the bills since I blew my paycheck in anticipation of ‘a new beginning’.

I’m thinking I’ll start an advice blog or maybe I’ll give predictions on the economy… or the weather!

Here is a sample.

No! Don’t give her the ******* ** * ******** for your anniversary… don’t you want to live to see your next one?

It’s not looking good for plastics folks – we’re up .11/# on PE and the busy season is just beginning.

Hurricane Debby will mess with shipping but not NYC – though Hurricane Ernesto will impact your prices at the pump as early as next Friday

Leave your questions in the comments section, Ms. Aerie knows all… sees some and generally doesn’t lie.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Dance me to the end of love...

…which is apparently scheduled for August 22 folks. It seems that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is perhaps planning an end of the world light show for that night because; quoting Princeton’s Bernard Lewis's op-ed piece in the wall street journal excerpted here: ‘it is by tradition, the night when many Muslims commemorate the night flight of the prophet Muhammad on the winged horse Buraq, first to 'the farthest mosque,' usually identified with Jerusalem, and then to heaven and back,".

Mark it on your calendars! This could be a real win-win… FINALLY something on which all religious fundamentalists can agree! Apocalyptic Craziness! Yay!

Here’s what I think… all the folks who believe their God is better than your God AND believe they are required by their God to kill any non-believers in their God should get a free ticket to Jerusalem on August 21st. All the people who just want to worship their own God in peace and don’t think they have to kill anybody to do so - should go far away from Jerusalem on August 21…

Then, if the end time in the form of a wacky little man made Armageddon comes down thanks to some seriously fanatical Iranian top dog type… well, cool… all the mean crazy people will be gone… to a happier place if you ask them, so works out for them and all the nice peaceful people of the world can go back to doing the kind of stuff we used to like doing before the world got so mean and crazy; see win-win!

Seriously simplistic I know, but I heard a very famous and important think tank type just last night say on CNN that these religious fundamentalist terrorists types were very simplistic… so I’m writing in a manner they can understand.

Go, sit, wait for your God to return, stop being such a**holes.
If your God really is the big bad – he doesn’t need your help anyway.

Ms. Aerie

Wednesday, August 09, 2006



Will somebody please explain to me what everyone is so excited about…? So freaking what if Mr. Landis had elevated levels of testosterone in his test for the 17th stage. Why isn’t anybody asking the question “what was testosterone supposed to be doing for him that gave him an advantage over the other competitors?” Maybe the reason nobody is asking is because the answer is “NOTHING!” Testosterone is a substance that has to be taken over a period of time to have an effect that might be considered advantageous over others.

Hypothetically; IF he took a shot of testosterone (and I’m NOT saying he did) just before that grueling stage, it could have had a beneficial effect for Mr. Landis, but not the way you think. The beneficial effect may have come from the fact that testosterone inhibits bone deterioration. Since he is scheduled to have surgery to replace a hip that is degenerating and extreme physical exercise and stress can reduce testosterone levels a shot might have been able to keep his levels at a protective level. I don’t know, I wasn't there, I don't know the man.

I do know what testosterone doesn’t do. It doesn’t give you instant energy or make you feel less pain. It can help increase muscle mass but over a period of weeks not a few hours… He never tested for elevated levels any other time - ever. He was not taking this stuff in any amount over any period of time to give him any kind of unfair advantage over anyone else.


He suffered incredible pain and put forth an amazing effort.

He won.

Get over it.

Now go read some medical journals and report something real.

Ms. Aerie